Admin 12 March, 2022

A guide on the steps you should take to best market your business in 2020.

If you’re a business owner, it’s important to know how to market your business in the right way. There are numerous online marketing strategies with many experts offering their advice. This article will show a breakdown of aspects we suggest could help you with how to promote your business using the internet. We get asked a lot of questions along the lines of: ‘why do we need a website, it’s not that important for us…’ When, in fact, an online presence is vital to business marketing in 2020. A website to a brand, is what a trailer is to a film. If the content is engaging it attracts the viewer, it sparks some interest. If the information is clear, concise, and easy to follow, it retains their attention and results in a conversion, but most importantly it engenders trust in the brand.

Online Promoting

Whatever content you put on your website it’s important that its engaging for your customers. This can be done through interesting written content, infographics, high-quality imagery, video and colour, all of which can help draw the viewers’ attention. Building a well-designed and user-friendly website is very important to promote your business successfully, as it gives your visitors a great experience. Creating content, that people want to share and link to, naturally builds authority for your website.

Make sure your service follows through…

There’s nothing worse than having a really good website, promoting your services, but not actually following through. The customer is the most important person for your business. Without them, the business doesn’t work. So, it’s important to make sure the customer is happy. When you start to hear back from customers online, listen to them. It’s important to engage with them and make them feel that their feedback/opinion is heard and taken on board. Building a reputation for a business that is customer based is a good thing. That sentiment is invaluable in the current market.

Ongoing investment in your website

When it comes to online marketing, your website should be at the forefront. This is something that Crate47 have great expertise in. Your website is what you own. You can do what you want with it and make it as powerful as you can. Sure, social media does play a big part in drawing attention to your website, but you will never have complete control over those platforms. When you invest in your website, you are building equity for the long term. It’s an asset which can keep growing and developing. You can modify it on an ongoing basis to suit your business needs. It can be added to and altered to suit changing trends or the financial climate, for instance.

Be Mobile Friendly

It’s important for a website to be mobile friendly or mobile optimised. According to Google, as of 2020, 58% of all web searches are on mobile devices, so it’s essential that businesses are mobile ready.

SEO your website!

We can’t stress enough, the significance of SEO. It draws attention. So, don’t ignore it! SEO continues to be relevant, and it’s important to care about being on Google’s ‘good side’ as it’s the most powerful search engine. It is important to remember that Google does change its algorithms every now and then, so it’s imperative to stay on top of updating the SEO on your site. SEO drives traffic to your site, but it does need to be smart. You must be able to identify relevant key phrases with strong click-through rates. SEO will help build equity in your site; keeping it working and updated will benefit you in the long run. We occasionally hear that ‘black-hat’ SEO is still around. This is something that should not be followed! It’s a way of trying to trick Google into ranking you higher. But they are on to this, and it can result in penalties that can seriously damage your site’s ranking and isn’t worth taking the risk!


Google and other search engines use online reviews as a ranking signal. This is a great tool making it beneficial for you to seek reviews on these platforms from your customers. Reviews can really work in your favour as they are social proof of the quality you can deliver. The best way to receive reviews is to ask for them once you have performed your service. Follow up on long-term customers regularly and aim to provide them with the best service possible.

Brand Building

Brand building can be important too. Google trusts established brands. If you have an established brand, then your website has a better chance of ranking. If you provide a service that people like, then more people will search for your business online by your name. The more searchers your brand name gets, the more credibility it has. Content Marketing Content marketing is a great way to keep your audience engaged. Alongside great written content it’s important to include imagery and infographics which will also draw in your audience’s attention. Consistency is also key for content marketing. This makes it easier for customers to understand what your brand is about and helps build trust between you and the consumer. Content marketing needs to be done right to enable your website to work well… so do your research. Various forms of Content


Blogs can be a great way of promoting your business. Good blogs take time to write, research and post. But if they are done well, they can work wonders. Adding keywords and SEO to blogs can help generate traffic to your website. Blogs can be a useful way of directing the customer to a specific part of the website, which can be another way of drawing in their attention without being too obvious.


Adding imagery to your website can help to illustrate the matter of the written content and also attract the audience by drawing in their attention. Photography can tempt visitors into interactions which are very important for websites. Also, combined with strong SEO, great imagery will help to reach new clients by gaining the attention of a wider audience.


Video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service. Videos can increase engagement on your social channels, educate potential customers about your services, and increase your audience reach through a new medium. According to a report from Hubspot Research, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands more than any other type of content! Video can be useful for entertainment too. They can help customers make buying decisions, as they can be a great way of convincing your audience that your service is worth investing in. There are many different ways of promoting your business through video, so it is important to do your research to see which way would work best for you.


There has been a rise in demand for podcast content. They are easy to do, cheap to make and can be a great way to draw in your customers. If your company can pull it off, then you can also use them as additional content for your website. A good podcast will build an audience and establish your brand’s authority. Identifying other podcasters who are relevant to your business can also be extremely useful for your own targeted advertising.


Infographics can add interest to your website and social media. They are a great way to engage your audience and can be a quick way of being informative and interesting for the consumer to look at.

Email Marketing

Investing in building your email lists can become a long-lasting asset for your business. Most (if not everyone) has an email address and reads their emails, so it can be a useful way to get people to trust and value your brand. This is one of the best ways to promote your business so use it wisely.

Social Media

This is one of the best ways of online marketing for your business… it’s free and can be really fun and it’s a great way to interact. Each social media platform has its pros and cons and some target various aspects better than others, but having a profile on all social media channels shows that you’re interactive and engaging. Social media draws in customers’ attention, so make sure you’re posting interesting, consistent content. Use this as a way to encourage people to leave reviews and comment on what you’re posting, as not only is this useful for you to know that people like what you do, but it can also count as a ranking signal for Google.

Be patient and keep working at it…

Like most things, this isn’t a quick process. SEO and content marketing can take a while before you see results, but it is all worth it in the end. Staying committed and continuing to find out more about how to market your business online will increase its success. It’s not just about tactics, it’s about staying patient and dedicated, which will help enable your brand to stand out from others and retain its reputation.

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